Can God use ‘worldly’ means to speak to us?

Absolutely, and those gentle ‘nudges’ can start at a young age. My writing adventure actually started when I was in grade three… my teacher read my story about out to the class. I remember how amazing that experience was and it confirmed a love of words and reading deep down in my heart.

Much later, in my early twenties, though still a prolific reader, any writing I was doing was connected to my tertiary studies, but on one occasion, I allowed myself to be roped into going to see a clairvoyant! Not something I’d ever shown an interest in, but I went along with friends out of curiosity, arriving with the flower of my choice in hand, as requested. The ‘seer’ told me, among other things, that in later life I would become a writer! Astounded that she could know the secret desire of my heart, but enthralled with the idea, I came away feeling that writing was definitely in my future. Somehow, it would come to pass and I’d produce  a masterpiece and become rich and famous as soon as I put my mind to it!

 Of course, that did not happen. Life intervened and during that time, I married, worked, had children, and in my thirties, received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Once that happened, I quickly realised that what the  ‘seer’ had told me about my future was information that had come from the spirit world and I rejected it outright, ridding my library of anything ‘unclean’ and of a secular nature. Pretty classic behaviour for a new believer, but did my desire to write evaporate? No, not at all, but the themes and subject matter I wanted to write about took a dramatic turn away from what I’d spent my teenage years reading. So when did I start my first novel? Read on…

Have you had a ‘nudge’ in a direction that only you knew about in your heart? Feel free to  share it with us.

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